If you haven’t gone skydiving before, then you should. There’s not really anything else that compares to jumping out of a plane, and it really pushes the boundaries of what humans can feel and experience.
If you still aren’t convinced that jumping out of a plane is a good idea, then here are a few other reasons that you should consider skydiving.
1. Push Out of Your Comfort Zone
Getting out of your comfort zone is one of the best things that you can do. Being comfortable is nice, but it’s not much of an opportunity to learn and grow as an individual. Getting out of your comfort zone, on the other hand, is the best way to expand your horizons and develop as a person.
Jumping out of a plane tends to expand your comfort zone a huge amount. Suddenly, things that seemed difficult in the past will seem a little bit easier once you’ve got this under your belt.
2. It’s an Unforgettable Experience
And it’s unforgettable in a way that’s a bit different than most other unforgettable experiences. Sure, you might always remember a sunset that you saw in Vienna, or the way that a meal tasted at a 5 star Michelin restaurant. However, these memories aren’t as visceral as jumping out of a plane.
The memory of your first skydiving experience will be forever ingrained in your mind.
You’ll remember the wind against your body, the heart-wrenching feeling of the first few seconds of free-fall, and an adrenaline rush that can’t be paralleled. Not only will you never forget the experience, but you’ll also be able to recall it in vivid detail for the rest of your life.
3. You’ll Have a Blast
Skydiving’s not just an excuse to push yourself out of your comfort zone. It’s also incredibly fun, and it’s a great way to spend the day.
The first few minutes might be more of an adrenaline rush, but first-time skydivers will spend most of their time with their parachute open, gliding town slowly towards the ground. This part of the skydiving experience is more relaxing and can be quite enjoyable.
For your first time, you’ll probably be going tandem (though this isn’t always the case) and you’ll be able to enjoy sprawling vistas with your tandem partner.
4. You’ll Have a Cool Story to Tell
Most people haven’t gone skydiving. While this might not be the case among more adventurous groups, the average Joe generally hasn’t jumped out of a plane. This means they won’t know anything about the skydiving experience except that, “it sure sounds crazy.”
Once you’ve gone skydiving, you’ll be able to tell them more about that experience. Recounting your first-hand experience skydiving is a great way to excite people and spark intrigue. You might even be able to convince people to go and try it out for their first time!
This isn’t to say that you should go skydiving just for the express purpose of having a cool story to tell. Nonetheless, this is a pretty neat benefit that you can enjoy once you’ve had the experience!
Written by Nigel Ford